Friday, May 27, 2011

Kiki: Blog Of The Day

The Monkey Who Fell Off A Vine
By Kiki

I was swinging on the vine today and the vine couldn't hold me so long, so I fell on a tree stump and saw a camera.  I went to go tell my mom, Monkey Go Happy.  When she saw the camera she tried to destroy it.  I went to go take pictures of the people who were looking at me.  I looked like a pig because I was so fat.  Then I got skinny and took all the mud off of me.  Then I took more pictures of the people.  They were so excited to see a monkey taking pictures.  I pressed the video button and I took a video of the news reporter.  That news reporter was really, really weird.  She had a really high pitched voice and she liked monkeys.  It was weird, but still I put her in the newspaper.  She was weird, so whatever.


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