Friday, May 20, 2011

Connor: Blog Of The Day

Search For The Lost City
By Connor M. Jones
One day at the UN the nations decided to take a vote.  The topic of the vote was if they should search for Atlantis or not.  They all decided that if they found the lost city their own countries would get rich.  Suddenly an argument broke out over which government would get the biggest cut of the lost treasure.  Everyone was very greedy and extremely corrupt.  The Greek leader says "It's within our territory as Plato said.  Thus Greece should get the biggest amount.  I say look near the Pillars of Heracles."  Soon after the argument it became a race for Atlantis.  The Americans searched nearer to their own country and found only a few artifacts.  The Greeks and Spaniards searched near the Pillars of Hercules and found a few things.  Suddenly every country on the planet searched near the famous landmark.  They all found a sunken city at the exact same time.  Suddenly as they were all digging for gold a strange man swam up to them.  The man was carrying a trident and had fins instead of feat.  "Be gone from this place greedy humans!  Or feel my wrath!"said the finned man to which the Greeks replied "Never.  We don't care if you are Poseidon, the god of the sea!  We want the treasure of Atlantis!"  The man replied "Thou can't hath what mine citizens are using!  I repeat be gone or I shalt call the rest of my people!"  Everyone remained there as the waves got higher and an army of mermen and mermaids swam toward them.  Finally the head merman could stand it no longer.  "Be gone thou mortals or mine men will release the Hydra!"  When no one left Poseidon shouted "Their not leaving RELEASE THE HYDRA!"  The Hydra was in truth a giant, venomous water snake that swallowed twenty people and then returned to the spot in which it had been imprisoned.          


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