Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Daddio: 5/3/11 Blog of the Day

For today's blog of the day, I want you to practice using alliteration, which is a technique often used in poetry.  Alliteration is where you have many words in a single sentence that start with similar sounds.

If you read the end of the last sentence carefully, you'll see that I used alliteration by using several words that started with the "s" sound.

So for today's blog post, I want you to write 5 sentences that use alliteration to describe people that you know.  The sound that you will use repeatedly should be the first sound in the person's name.  For instance, if I wanted to use alliteration to write a sentence about me, you could write:

Daddio does double dishes on days there's a lot that are dirty.


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