Monday, July 9, 2012

Phineas and Ferb Science: Build A Beach

Today we finished up our Phineas and Ferb: Build a Beach science class by doing this model beach experiment we found on Science Buddies.   
Step 1: Cover the bottom of a paint roller pan with 5 cups of sand.
Step 2: Build a small beach with most, but not all, of the sand at the shallow end of the pan.
Step 3:  Slowly pour 5-6 cups of water into the deep end of the pan.  Let the water and sand settle for 5 minutes.
Step 4:  Take a picture of the beach so that you have a record of how it looked.  Note where the shoreline is.  The shoreline is where the beach and the water meet.
Step 5:  Lay a pencil horizontally so it is floating in the deep end of the water, along the beach.
Step 6:  Set a timer for 2 minutes.  Start timer and quickly bob the pencil up and down in the water with your fingertips to create waves.  At the end of 2 minutes, take a picture of the beach and compare to your first picture of the shoreline.  Repeat wave procedure for 4 and 6 minutes, taking pictures and observations each time.
After 2 Minutes-
After 4 Minutes-
After 6 Minutes-
Step 7: Empty and clean pan, then repeat steps 1-3. 

 Step 8: Make a mound of 2 cups of gravel in the middle of the shoreline to create headlands.  The headlands should be partly in the water and partly on the beach.  Take a picture to show your shoreline.
Step 9:  Measure your shoreline to the edge of the pan and record measurement. (10 inches)
Step 10:  Place pencil in pan and repeat step 6.  Measure the shoreline each time.
After 2 Minutes- (11 inches)
After 4 Minutes- (10 1/2 inches)
After 6 Minutes- (9 1/2 inches)
***What did the kids learn from this activity?***
"The longer the waves hit the beach the smoother it becomes."
"Waves form beaches."
"The waves take sand back with them into the ocean, changing the shoreline."
"When there are headlands the waves go higher up on the sides of it because the water goes around the headlands."
"Waves eventually wear down the headlands and make it more even with the shoreline."
"The waves cause tide pools to form on the beach."


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