Friday, July 13, 2012

Gabe: Weekly Blog Post #1

     Madagascar  is off the coast of Africa.  Madagascar was called Malgalsy Republic.  It is now called the Republic of Madagascar.  It is the fourth largest island in the world.  It split from India 88 million years ago.A nickname for Madagascar is Great Red. During the summer in Madagascar it is hot and really rainy.  
      The first Austronesian people came on canoes from Indonesia.  They are one of the poorest countries in the world.  Most people in Madagascar only earn 1 US dollar a day.  They have a lot of vanilla beans and vanilla is one of their main sources of money.
     There are 200,000 types of animals in Madagascar.  Ninety percent of the animals there aren't found anywhere else in the world.  The animals that were on that part of India came on the island and grew in isolation. That is why 90% of the animals aren't found anywhere else.
     Lemurs are one of the main wild animals in Madagascar, they only live wild in Madagascar.  An Aye Aye is an animal that resembles a house cat and they only live in Madagascar and it is an omnivore.  A Fossa is a carnivore and is like a Bobcat.   A Tenrec is a herbivore and is like a Hedgehog.


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