Friday, July 13, 2012

Avery: Weekly Blog #1

       Madagascar is an island country in the Indian Ocean, near Africa.  It also has little, tiny islands around it. The capital of Madagascar is a small (but still the largest in Madagascar) city called Antananarivio.  The population in Antananarivio gets only as high as 2,001.
       The most common language used in Madagascar is called Malagasy.  There is Eastern Malagasy and Western Malagasy.  For the very educated in Madagascar, some can speak French and English.  The main language used to be French when France took control of Madagascar for a while.  But that was a while ago.
       There are many games played in Madagascar (and I do not mean video games).  The most popular is Moraingy, a type of hand-to-hand combat.  It is mostly played men.  But lately women have been getting more interested in it.  It is a lot like kung fu, but a little bit different.
       There are many animals in Madagascar.  But the one with the biggest population there would be the lemur.  There are thousands of different types of lemurs.  For example; Bamboo Lemur, Black Lemur, Dwarf Lemur, Mouse Lemur, Ringtail Lemur, etc.  One that I found interesting is the Brookesia Chameleon. It is one of the worlds smallest reptiles.  It is just a bit bigger then an inch.  About and inch and a half.  There are very many interesting things about Madagascar.


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