Monday, July 16, 2012

Connor: Weekly Blog #3

The Murderer's Woe
By Connor M. Jones

     It was but an average day in the life of Janet Adams.  She had finished her assigned project on time and was about to return to her office.  She worked in a big building, in London across the street from Sherlock's place of occupation.  Sherlock was her best friend and a rather tall man as well.  He was named for a fictional and very famous detective, although he chose to work as a playwright.  Unfortunately something had occurred an hour prior to Janet's showing up to work.  There was blood in the alley way next to the building and no one was in the office.  This was strange because lunch had finished an hour ago and no one got any breaks aside from lunch.
     Exactly an hour before hand Sherlock stood in the alley, his orange silk suit stained with blood.  He looked down upon his victim, a man of about twenty nine with blue eyes.  Sherlock said in a dark tone "No one came to save you.  You're death shall be in vain."  The man's eyes shut tight the corpse was already starting to reek.  Sherlock walked out toward Janet's humble abode where he stashed the bloody gloves and the murder weapon.  He then walked off to avoid being caught with the red blood stain on his suit.  Sherlock stopped in his house to wash the suit.
     The victim was Janet's boss, a hateful man who was abusive of all his employees.  Janet looked out through the window in her office and saw the body.  She was flabbergasted at the sight of it.  She despised her boss, but never attempted to kill him.  Janet looked in the paper and saw the police were calling this the Devil Murder.  Janet was stunned, it was obviously a human crime not a supernatural one.  She went home to try and relax, only to find out that the police just found murder evidence.  Unfortunately the evidence was found in her home and she was a prime suspect.
        She grabbed her phone and called her friends and family.  She told them she was going to be arrested for a crime she didn't commit.  She had a trial, but the evidence stacked against her and Sherlock even testified against her.  As she held the phone she cried, they couldn't take the phone from her during the trial, it would have made things worse.  The judge announced the sentence, she was to be hanged for her crime of murder.
        As they tied the noose to the wooden beam Sherlock grinned and thought to himself "They think she's the Devil Murderer!  Just as well I want to remain in this century for a while.  I should wait until later to go back to hell."  Janet stood still paralyzed with fear, knowing that she didn't commit the murder and was dying for something she didn't do.  As the noose was placed around her neck Sherlock was standing next to her, the rope in his hand.  He whispered to her "I had fun with this.  The killing was simply to DIE for.  See you in hell, and say 'Hi' to my master for me."  With that Sherlock pulled the rope down and once she was hanging he connected it to a nail on the back of the stand.  He hid his smirk of satisfaction as he walked past the chief of police.


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