Sunday, July 1, 2012

Mommio & Avery: Night Out

We finally made it to Avery's special birthday night out with mom...but first we had a big surprise for her!  We snuck her BFF Kalli over today to her birthday party and to join us at the hotel.  Avery was SO surprised and very excited.  After Kalli arrived we had Avery's mustache birthday party.
Then we headed over to the hotel where the girls were very silly, as they usually are together.
Riding the luggage cart.
Doing illegal flips on the bed.
And then lots of swimming and time in the hot tub of course.

Afterwards we went back to our big presidential suite to watch some tv and do masks.
  The girls are still giggling away and we are getting ready to go out to Chili's for dinner-  where Nana and Popo are going to meet us- another surprise for Avery!


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