Monday, July 23, 2012

Avery: Weekly Blog #2

The Giants
By Avery Jones
       One Tuesday afternoon a tall, skinny man named Jeff was in his apartment studying for a test in kung fu. He had to have his kicks and punches perfect for the test.  Jeff didn't normally practice so much for a test. But this time his Aunt Martha was going to be there to watch him.  Martha used to be his kung fu teacher when he was three years old.
        When it came to the day to preform at his test he got a letter in the mail.  He looked at who it was from. He recognized the name from somewhere, but couldn't remember at the moment.  It said to meet them at the Chinese men.  Jeff had no idea what the letter was talking about, but he knew it was important.  He got in his car and looked for the Chinese men.
          He stopped at the visitors center to ask about it. Before he asked he saw a picture of a giant statue of Chinese men.  That had to be what the person in the letter was talking about.  He took the poster and looked for it again.  He stopped near a Mc Donalds and saw the statue.  He found a ladder on the side of it and climbed up.
        At the top there was a short man with blue eyes and short hair dyed purple.  He walked up to Jeff and looked into his eyes with an evil stare.  He said his name was Dave Fielder.  He was Jeff's bully in high school.  He pushed Jeff to the edge of the giants and waited for him to fight back.  Jeff knew he was only allowed to use kung fu as self defense.  Dave shoved him and he almost  fell off the giants.  Jeff hit him back and ran jumped down ten feet onto the nose of one the statues.  Dave followed and kept trying to hurt him. But Jeff just kept running and throwing back random items from his pockets.
         They both ended up in their cars chasing after each other.  Suddenly Jeff noticed why Dave was so mad at him.  When they were in college Dave thought Jeff killed his mother.  He didn't hurt anyone, he never did.  But he was in the building at the wrong time.  When the cops arrived at Dave's mother's house they saw Jeff sitting next to his mother.  She really died from a heart attack.  But Dave is very stubborn and would never change his mind about Jeff.  He wanted him dead.
        Jeff saw him pull out a gun.  He started shooting at the car.  He popped one of the wheels of Jeff's car. Dave got out of his car and pointed the gun at Jeff.  Jeff closed his eyes and stood still outside of the car.  He quickly kicked the gun out of Dave's hand and then kicked it under the car.  Dave started running and Jeff darted after him.  Suddenly the cops appeared and had them both stand still.  They were taken into the station.
        When all the truth was told, Dave was sent to jail for 3 years for trying to kill an innocent person.  Jeff walked out of the building happy and started to hear a ticking noise.  It sounded like a bomb.  He ran as fast as he could and then the cop station exploded.


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