Monday, July 23, 2012

Connor: Sir Sinister: A Short Story

    There I stood gazing at the ground.  I saw the gigantic puddle of blood underneath the body.  I frowned, for I knew the victim, my best friend had been murdered.  I felt as though the blood were on my hands as well as the criminal's.  Still I stood there, the end of my cane was beginning to get drenched in blood.  I moved my gaze from the body toward the city.  I knew the killer would be there, I had spoken with him before.
        Meanwhile, in a seemingly abandoned factory in downtown the murderer sat waiting.  His name was Nathan, he owned the local pawnshop.  Nathan sat at his desk rummaging through his cash register to find his money.  He kept more in that register than cash, sometimes he stored stolen items in there so the cops wouldn't catch him.  Suddenly the door opened and in walked Zelda, the mayor and a frequent customer at the pawnshop.  Zelda had been searching for some unusual items, namely rifles and shotguns.  It just so happened that Nathan had such items, although wasn't legally allowed to sell them.
    I was now in my house preparing to take revenge.  I reached behind myself and grabbed my cloak, hood, and stabbing weapon.  I was known by two names, my real name Tiberius and Sir Sinister.  By day I seemed like an average guy, but by night I was the shadiest criminal the city ever knew.  No one knew my secret identity nor my previous work as a hero.  I and I alone knew why I had switched to a life of crime and murder.  I walked out the door with my motive in mind and broadsword in my hand.
      As I walked into the pawnshop Nathan stared dumbfounded.  "You're Sir Sinister!  Please spare me I beseech you?!"  I glowered at him, he could only see my eyes, and raised the sword.  "Sir Sinister you will be arrested for your crimes!" Nathan cried as he sidled toward the phone and attempted to dial the local police.  I grabbed a throwing knife out of my pocket and threw it directly at Nathan.  I missed him, but hit my target.  I cut the phone line before he could contact the cops.
       Nathan grabbed one of his many rifles and attempted to shoot me.  "Sorry Nathan." I said in a deep voice "Unfortunately I know you committed a murder without my permission.  You know the terror I am capable of Nathan, you wretched buffoon, yet you still raise a rifle and try to shoot me.  I am greatly offended by this gesture of disobedience!"  I moved closer to him and cut his left hand off, he was holding the rifle in his left hand.  Then I walked closer and said "You have angered me Nathan.  That is a mistake that no one ever makes twice!"  With that I decapitated him and left the pawnshop after taking all the money in the register.  After that I went on to commit even more heinous crimes all over the city and was eventually hung in town square.


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