Monday, July 30, 2012

7/30/12 Weekly Blog Post #1

Okay, for those of you that saw the opening ceremonies for the London 2012 Olympics-- I know that it was really boring and sucked.  But that being said, London is one of the largest, most densely populated cities in the entire world.  And it's really cool and full of British people with awesome accents!

For today's blog post, I want you to do some online research about London and write a short report on it.  You don't have to do a history of London (but you can if you want)-- instead you can pick a cool aspect of the city and just write about that.  For example- is there some cool event that occurs in London every year?  Is there a section of London that's famous for having a certain type of people or market or something like that?  You can even choose to write about a famous landmark in London (there's a ton of them).

Your report should be at least four paragraphs long.


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