Monday, July 2, 2012

7/2/12 Weekly Blog Post #1

The Olympics are going to start soon!  As you know (or you should), the Summer Olympics occur every four years.  This year they are taking place in London, England.  For today's blog post, I want you to pick an event for this summer's Olympics and write a short report on that event.  Your blog post should be at least four paragraphs long.  The first paragraph should discuss the event you've chosen, when it is going to occur and where it is going to be held in London.  The second paragraph should talk about the history of your event-- is it new? how long have they been doing it?  who are the people that have won it in the past?  The third paragraph should talk about who some of the competitors/teams are going to be in the event.  Finally, the fourth paragraph should be about why you find the event interesting.

Here's a link to the full schedule of the summer Olympic events.


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