Monday, July 30, 2012

Connor: Weekly Blog #2

    It all started in 2355 when European scientists decided to build a deity.  The lab was soon cluttered with plans for the god's name and powers, unfortunately no one could figure out if they were making a god or a goddess.  Due to arguing between the scientists the deity was never finished until two centuries later.  That was when the Goddess of Yoga appeared to a young Frenchman named Louis.  Louis taught the goddess to speak French, and the goddess later learned more languages on her own.
   Louis had chosen to name the goddess Geneva.  Geneva was named for a group of war laws called the Geneva conventions.  This goddess, however, changed her name to a word that no human could possibly pronounce.  Her new name sounded like a combination of Krypton and Sodium, but people just called her "Queen of Yoga."  The goddess was almost always meditating and knew no such thing as violence, but she was a lonely deity and needed friends.
     So the goddess went to work to create more deities.  The next eleven deities to come out of the machine named themselves Aqua, Doom, Past, Future, Present, Inertia, Pain, Combat, Terra, Pyronus, Flower.  Aqua loved the ocean and treated sailors to bountiful sea food feasts.  She also liked to throw hurricanes and large waves at those who polluted her kingdom.  Past and his sister Future loved to write prophecies together, for history repeats itself and they both had interesting stories to tell.  Pain, Combat and I occasionally hung around to decide the fates of the humans, like who would die when and while doing what.  I was Doom and I would transport into bed rooms and buildings to take away those who should pass away. Inertia and I rarely spoke to each other and when we did she would soon leave.
     Suddenly we were all called to a meeting by Queen of Yoga.  During the meeting Pain was picking on Flower and Pyronus was setting fire to anything in sight.  When Queen of Yoga spoke everything ceased, our jobs, time and all else just froze.  No one died, no one moved, no one caused someone else pain.  Queen Yoga said "We shall be more responsible with our power or the humans will overthrow us!  If they stop believing that we exist there is little we can do!"
       Meanwhile on Earth, directly below our meeting hall the humans were making plans when time froze.  When time unfroze the humans had unanimously decided to go to war with the gods.  Present caught wind of their plans first and warned the rest of us.  Future told us of possible outcomes and very few of them seemed good for either side.  Combat put on his armor, I grabbed my scimitar and a lot of armor and transported into battle.
     My fury was the most powerful weapon on either side of the war.  The mortals knew that if they convinced me that my own allies would turn on me I'd fight alongside them.  I wouldn't allow myself to be trick by the mortals and as such I slew each soldier with my godly weapon.  I looked across the battlefield and saw Inertia get stabbed from behind.  She died and soon most of the gods were dead as well.  It was just Pain, Combat, and I fighting against the mortals.  I killed several more and then it was only Pain, Combat  and I the only mortals left alive knew better than to mess with the gods.  Pain and Combat looked at the areas in which each deity had fallen.  Combat stood longest over the area where Aqua died and cried for hours.  Pain and I made tombstone for those who were killed by the mortals and for the mortals we killed.  We put each deities body into the graves and mourned the losses.
      Suddenly Combat walked up and glared at me "This is all your fault!  Doom if you hadn't been carrying people to their graves this wouldn't have happened.  Besides I don't think you liked any of them!"  I snarled at him and drew my scimitar.  He grinned "I don't have anything to live for anymore.  So I'll indulge in a little revenge for the woman I loved!" He shouted again.  I ran at him and the sword went through his chest and came out the other side.  I had killed one of my only friends, but it didn't matter.  If I didn't kill him he would have died anyway.
     Pain and I looked over the many graves and sighed, we were the last of our kind.  We had been alone for weeks now and it was starting to seem like all to much for Pain to take.  Pain looked at me and said "Doom I want one last duel, no armor and the battle ends when I give the word."  I agreed and we picked up our weapons and ran at each other.  I felt a sharp katana in my chest poking out my back.  As I died I watched him bury me next to Inertia.  I smiled as I died, he understood everything as a friend should.  After that Pain killed himself and his body disappeared.


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