Friday, July 6, 2012

Avery: Weekly Blog #2

        The French and Indian war was mainly fought between the colonies of British America and New France.  Both of the sides had some of the military in it.  Although just a little bit later on, the Native Americans joined in with the french people.  The people from the British America had a few Native Americans, but not very many.   They were using them as slaves.  The Indians didn't like the British because they were trying to take their land too.
        The war was fought over land (like most wars).  The British wanted the French  and Indian land in North America.  They also wanted to take over other little things in their land like the fur trade.  Of course the French didn't want them taking their land, so they fought back with what they had. It didn't go very well and lasted for seven years.  That would explain why some call it the Seven Year War.
        The war ended when the British Major General captured Quebec.  In 1763 they signed a peace treaty and the British got most of the french land in North America.  They also took the Indian's land. Ending the French and Indian war.


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