Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Kiki: Weekly Blog #3

The Crying Lady
By Kiki Jones
One day a girl named Molly was talking on her phone and she heard a big crash.  She went to go see what it was.  She saw that her best friend was in big car crash and she went to see if she was ok, and she was dead. She went back inside and she went to sleep.  The next day she had to go her friend's funeral.  When she got to her funeral she stared to cry, she was so, so sad.  A week later she saw that her dad was in the hospital. She went to go see her dad in the hospital and she talked to her dad about how she is.  She said she was upset.  She went home and tried to sleep but she couldn't, so she called one of her friends and talked to her all night.  The next day she went to go see her dad but she couldn't because her dad had died.  She went home and stared crying again.


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