Friday, July 13, 2012

Marney:Weekly Blog Post #3

     The Case Of The Banana Gun
By Marney
     I was taking a break from copying papers about a murder.  Then it hit me, a rock, it hit me through the window, it really hit me.  When I looked out the window no one was there, then that's when I got worried.  I ran to my boss who was sitting in the coffee room, which is where he always is.  I told him about the rock hitting me smash in the face story.  So he got really mad.  That I was bugging him at his coffee break but he still went outside to see if something happened.  I went with him because I was the guy that got hit in the face, not the guy that threw the rock.  Then a monkey ran out from behind the building and started hitting us with rocks.  I noticed that the monkey had a banana gun in his pocket and I reached to grab it but I just couldn't.  Then me and my boss started running up the stairs to go to the coffee room.  I think my boss was very scared.  I told my boss that I saw a banana gun in his pocket and that I did not know if it was fake or real because it looked real.  Then we both heard a gun shoot off.  We need to figure out who that monkey really is.
      I ran back home and got all the copies put in folders and wrote more about banana guy because I thought I knew who he was.  Then I looked online to see who the banana guy was and it had a whole page about him but no real name or his name could be banana guy because that is all they are saying online.  Then I went to the office and went outside to where we got hit, I did not see the monkey but I did see the banana gun.  I picked it up and said to myself, this will be a piece of evidence.  When I got back in the office no one was there so I sat in the coffee room and looked at the gun.  I was thinking why would it be a banana gun, why would it be a monkey, this is all very crazy.  Then I heard a tapping like a little girl running everywhere.  So I went walking around the office.  I saw the monkey.  I put my hand in my pocket to grab the gun and it was not there so I ran as fast as a turtle and I grabbed the gun, cocked it and then said, "Do not make me shoot!  Take off your hat and tell me who you are."  Then the monkey ran away.  I saw him again, shot him and I saw who it was.  No big deal, the guy who murdered someone last week,  I do not care about him.  Then I go home and start reliving a normal life.


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