Thursday, July 5, 2012

Mason: Weekly Blog Post #2

    French and Indian War
      The countries that fought in the French and Indian War are the French and the British. There were Native American Indians fighting on both sides of the war.
     The reason the French and the British were fighting was that the French settled on land in North America and the British claimed that they owned that land.
     The result of the war was that the Treaty of Paris was signed and the French gave up all claims to Canada.
     The key figures were George Washington, Jeffery Amherst, James Wolfe, Marquis De Montcalm and General Edward Braddock.  General Braddock was a British soldier who died during the war when he was trying to take over a French fort.  They were marching straight to the fort and the French were hiding behind the rocks and trees around the fort and killed them.


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