Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Avery: Weekly Blog #3

   Sad Story
By Avery Jones    
     It was a rainy day and I, Haley Morgan, was sitting in my room doing nothing.  I never did nothing, even if there was a blizzard I would try something creative.  My nothingness had something to do with the weather.  The rain, I found it depressing.  I never liked rain, smells bad, makes my cat hide under the couch. I found it very annoying.. 
        I got up and went down to the kitchen to make a bagel.  My parents were out for lunch.  My dad just got back from the military.  They wanted to celebrate, but not with me for some reason.  I walked into the living room and sat on the couch, trying to calm my cat, Snickerdoodle.
        Suddenly I got a call from my mom.  Most likely she was going to ask what I wanted her to bring home for me.  I answered and she did ask.  I told her to bring me back chili fries and rootbeer.  She sounded worried.  She said nothing was wrong, but in her voice I could tell something was happening.  I told her I was going to meet them at the restaurant.
         When I got there I had to look around for them.  I found them sitting in the back.  I sat down next to my dad and across from my mom.  They didn't say anything.  I asked what was wrong and they just stared at me.  I looked down at myself and nothing seemed wrong with my clothes.  They said they wanted me to wait in the car.  They needed to talk about things I couldn't hear about.  I got very worried about my mom.
         I went back to the front desk and asked for my own table near them.  They couldn't see me, but I could slightly hear them.  They said something about my cat and Grandma.  I walked back to their table and they came to a complete silence.  I left the restaurant and called Grandma.  She didn't answer, so I called my aunt who lives next to her.  Grandma needed someone to take her places, she wasn't allowed to drive.  She didn't answer either.  I got a call from my friend, Nichole, right after I hung up.
       "Did you see the news this morning?!"  she asked with terror in her voice.
       "No, my electricity is out.  What happened?"
       "Your grandmother...," I interrupted her.
       "My grandmother what?!  You don't even live near her.  How did you see the news?  The electricity is out all over town."
       "She died.  Someone murdered her last night.  No one knows who, but we are looking for clues and answers."
       Tears started running down my face. "She was like my best friend.  The only person that would do pinterest projects with me."
       "Hey!  I did some with you once.  But it was only because I needed to pass art class.  But it still counts!"
       I hung up and went to my room.  When I walked I found my grandmothers wig sitting on my bed.


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