Monday, July 30, 2012

Avery: Weekly Blog Post #2

The Gymnast Gods
By Avery Jones
       There once was a little group of gymnasts.  But not just any gymnasts.  They were gymnast gods.  They had the powers to do any yoga pose, flexible trick and anything from gymnastics.  They would compete in all  the national competitions. 
       One day while they were practicing for the state competition, they got a good look at all the other competitors.  There was a large man with long shaggy hair and short stubby legs.  A tall, fit woman with crystal blue eyes and a weird shaped face.  She was very nice, yet very competitive.  Like most of the people there.  Last there was a 3 year old who had crazy flexibility skills and has won some of the biggest competitions. 
       When it was time for them to go onto the stage they were upset.  They didn't want to let the little girl down.  She was very sensitive and was said to pout for 2 days straight.  They went on and did their normal routine.  A few flips, tricks, spins and bends.  They got to the point where they all had to stand on each other's shoulders.  The person on the bottom purposely slipped and made everyone fall.  They were out of the competition.
       The next day they had heard that the little girl had won and was rewarded with a huge golden medal.  The goddesses were happy to hear that, but were very, very sore from falling.  They healed strangely fast though.  That being because they were goddesses of course.


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