Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Gabe: Weekly Blog Post 3.

By Gabe Jones
     It was a normal day for Anne Coonie.  She had just gotten home from her working at Dairy Queen.  She lives in San Diego.  She lives with her two youger brothers, her older sister, her mom and dad and her boyfriend.  She had just gotten home and was ready to go to bed.
     She had slept all night and when she woke up lying next to her was her boyfriend with his head cut off. She immediately ran downstairs and called her mom, her mom was at work.  When her mom answered,  Anne just started crying and her mom said "It's okay, call the cops."
     When she called the cops they came and said "You guys can stay in the house but we will be outside at all times."
     She went to bed that night crying and hoping everything will be better.  When she woke up she was lying on the floor.  She got up and went to her mom's room and her dad was dead on the floor with no legs.  So the cops put cameras in their house to figure out who is killing them.
     She didn't go to work that day because she was sad.  That night she went to bed hoping everything would get better.  When she woke up she had one leg but she was alive.  The cops looked over the tape and it turns out that Anne was sleep killing.  They arrested her for ten years.


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