Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Mommio: Art Class- Open Spaces

A lot of the modern art we have been studying in our Artistic Pursuits class has involved working with open spaces and abstract forms.  Today the kids had fun making their own free form fish sculptures.  First they mixed up some plaster of paris and poured it into a quart size plastic bag, tying it closed but leaving a little space to move the plaster around.

After about 10 minutes the plaster had hardened enough that the kids could start giving their sculpture more form by squeezing the bag with their fingers to create eyes, mouth, fins and a general shape.

Thirty minutes later the plaster was completely hard and they removed the plastic bag.  They used knives to trim away any unwanted parts and to clear around the eye area while it was still damp.

When the surface was dry they painted their fish with tempera paints.  
Here is our school of abstract fish!


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