Thursday, July 26, 2012

Marney: Weekly Blog Post #2

Christo and Jeanne
By Marney

      Christo and Jeanne were famous artists.  They were trying to come up with an idea for their next public art work.  Christo could not think of anything, but Jeanne thought of a perfect idea.  She said, "Christo, I know what we should do."
      Christo was sleeping because he stayed up all night trying to think of an idea.  Jeanne went over to Christo and shook him until he woke up.  Then Jeanne said " Christo I know what we have to do."
     Then Christo said "What?"
     Then Jeanne said "We need to make three Chinese men that are 15 stories high in the middle of Austin."  Then Jeanne got out a piece of paper and started drawing a picture of what it would look like.
     Christo looked at it when she was done and he said "Why are there three men, why not just two?"                                                  
     "Because I like three."  So they both got out of their chairs and ran outside and pictured it in their yard.  They went back inside their house and made a list of things they would need for their big Chinese men.  Here is what their list looked like
  1. Wood 
  2. Sheets of fabric 
  3. Metal
  4. Three cars 
  5. Stairs 
  6. Windows
     They firured out that, that was all they really needed for the men that were going to be 15 stories high.  Christo went to the store that they always get stuff at because they don't need normal things, they need giant things like 15 feet high planks of wood and things like that.  He got everything that they needed and went to the main part of Austin.  He got out his cell phone and called Jeanne and said that she should go to Austin now because he was there.  Jeanne got out of the house and ran to her car and drove to Austin.
2 hours later
     Jeanne got to Austin, got out of her car and started building the men.  Christo went to random cars and put keys in them and parked them where the men's feet were going to be.  He got out of one of the cars and Jeanne was done making the people.  So they both went home.  They thought that the giant men were normal and they were not going to do anything so they went back to their home and went to bed.  
     Then in the middle of the night one of the men moved its arm and its eyes were flashing bright red. It started to walk around the city.  It smashed a lot of houses and killed over 2,000 people.  When the second one started to walk, the third one fell over and smashed all of the cars.  Then the last one got up and went to their house and killed them.  Everyone kept saying that Godzilla was finally here.    


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