Friday, July 6, 2012

Connor: Blog Of The Week #2

      The French and Indian war was actually part of the Seven Years War.  This war was France's attempt to conquer the British colonies.  The native Americans on the other hand were fighting on both sides.  This war in America was named after the enemy instead of King George.  This was because there had already been a King George's war.  The countries involved were Britain and France, Spain and Prussia.  America was also involved, albeit split betwixt both sides.  The native tribes, which were in a way like little countries all their own, were fighting each other.
     The war was primarily fought for rights to North American soil.  The British wanted control of all of North America.  The French wanted control as well and had already made colonies in Canada.  The British had their colonies in what would later become the United States.  Spain had it's colonies in Mexico and that would be the target in last two years of the war.  The war with the French lasted seven full years and then two years after the surrender of Canada to Britain the treaty of Paris was signed.
      The war went on for seven full years.  Starting in 1754 and ending in 1761.  In 1754 George Washington, the man who would become president twenty nine years later, had  ambushed some of the French soldiers. Between America and Britain, France was getting their butt kicked.  The end of the war came when France had surrendered most of Canada.  America had stopped fighting, but the British wanted to defeat Spain and Prussia.
     After defeating France Britain set its sight on Spain and Prussia, France's allies.  Spain owned the Caribbean and Louisiana, for a short while. It took only two years for Britain to defeat Spain in Europe.  However Spain still had control over a bit of America, Mexico to be more precise.  The result of the war was that Britain needed more money for the war had cost a lot.  Britain would not have enough until the tea tax was put into place in eleven years.  That would eventually lead to the American Revolutionary War in which the British colonies would become independent from Britain.


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