Monday, July 23, 2012

7/23/12 Weekly Blog Post #1

By popular request, today we're going to practice writing with different types of rhyme schemes.  I'll take it easy on you, though, and give you only the rhyme scheme, the actual length or syllables in each line is up to you.  So it's basically a free-form poetry, as long as you stick to the rhyme scheme.

For today's post, pick a month of the year and then write three stanzas about that month (or a day that occurs in that month, or what the weather is like, etcetera).  Each stanza has to be exactly four lines long.  The rhyme scheme of the first stanza must be ABAB.  The rhyme scheme of the second stanza must be ABBA.  And the rhyme scheme of the third stanza must be ABCB.


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