Thursday, April 28, 2011

Connor: Blog Of The Day

Once there was an uninhabited island in the Bermuda Triangle.  On the island there was a small tribe of six people, all of whom were stranded.  Among this group was Alfred, the leader of the tribe and an archeologist, Jane, a calm yet insane real estate agent who loves the outdoors, Linda, the bossy rude and completely mean   lawyer who annoys everyone, William, the tribal chef and master carpenter as well as the one to step in when the group needs help and Linda's punching bag, George, the optimist of the group and artist, and James, the bodybuilder and warrior who fights off the wild animals and hunts for the group.  It all started last week when they boarded the ship bound for Egypt.  Unfortunately the ship had crashed into a rock near the Bermuda Triangle, only the six tribe members got to the lifeboats before the ship sunk and took everyone else to a watery grave.  Now exactly a week after that awful event everything seemed almost normal, the sun was setting and the moons rose as all the birds flew south.  The group had just eaten a portion of a large animal that James killed and decided to all go to bed.  In the middle of the night screams were heard coming from George's hut.  Alfred decided to go check on George as did everyone else.  Meeting up at George's hut the group began to inspect the place.  George was lying down almost as if he were sleeping, but there was one small problem he was dead.  The group looked next to him and found a bloody dagger, everyone in the group had a dagger and George's was in his shoe.  Linda looked startled and said "It must have been Jane that murdered him.  We should have her locked up!"  When Linda said this everyone except Jane had agreed.  The next morning Jane was locked in her hut with some food and water to make sure she didn't die.  Alfred wasn't sure about whether or not he had made the right decision as tribe leader and went over to say he was sorry to Jane.  Jane said "At least someone has thought about doing the right thing.  So could you please let me out of here?"  Alfred said "Sorry I can't let you out.  Maybe if enough tribe members agree to let you out, but without their consent I can't."  With that Alfred left her and went to talk with James.  James was carrying an animal he had slain back to the camp and said "I kind of feel like Jane is the only person who would murder George.  I don't think we should let her out, not today."  Alfred said "Okay, but I still want to check if the other two think we should let her out."  Thus at the tribal fire that night Alfred suggested a vote to let Jane come out of her hut the next morning.  Linda said "I say nay.  She shouldn't be allowed to roam freely."  William said "I think that we should let her out just for tomorrow night.  If she roams until we go to bed and we keep an eye on her it might work."  James said "Nay, I agree with Linda even if she is bossy."  Alfred said "Well I agree with William.  She should be watched and each of us should be as well.  Any of us could be the murderer."  Linda said "Fine we will let her out for a specific amount of time.  We shall also watch each other carefully."  Alfred said "Meeting adjourned everybody go back to your huts and sleep.  Remember that if there is a murder tonight not to be so quick to point fingers."  With that everyone returned to their huts and tried to sleep.  At eleven o'clock there was screaming coming from Jane's hut.  By the time they got in there Jane was dead on the floor and had been like that for a few hours.  It was two o'clock when they got in and inspected the room.  On the floor next to the corpse was a hunting spear.  The tip was blood red and there was a hole in the corpse's chest.  Near the body was a note signed with James' name.  Alfred said " I think we have a enough evidence so let's lock James up in his hut."  William said  "How about letting him roam free tonight then locking him up when we go to sleep?"  Everyone agreed with William.  That night James wandered around and said "I've been set up.  Someone killed Jane and framed me for it.  They forged that note I'm sure of it."  Alfred said "If what you say is true than who among us would have more experience with forging evidence?"  Linda said "If you are blaming me I never forge evidence and thus your assumption is insane."  Alfred said "Linda no one blamed you, but you are acting like I did.  I just said one of us has more experience with forged evidence than the others."  After everyone was asleep William screamed "No don't.  No.  Don't you dare stab me.  AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!"  That woke everyone up and they headed toward Will's hut.  They inspected the hut and found next to the corpse a piece of paper.  The piece of paper turned out to be a note.  The note was addressed to Linda.  Linda examined the note and said "It says that he wanted to marry me.  Too bad he's dead."  Alfred says "Okay I noticed a stab right through his heart.  It looks just like the spear stab on Jane's chest and on the left side of the corpse there is a note that says 'James WAS HERE'"  James says "Framed again.  I was asleep in my room at the time to the murder."  Linda said "A likely story and I bet you're going to say Alfred framed you right?"  Alfred said "Look now is not the time to be immature.  The chef is dead the hunter is being blamed and no one else knows how long to cook the food."  Linda said "Your right.  I am sorry for blaming you, James."  James said "I forgive you.  In order to cook the food over the fire it will take at least half an hour."  Later that night when everyone is sleeping loud screams came from James' hut.  James said "Don't kill me, Linda!  No not the spear again! AHHHHH!"  With that Alfred woke up and goes to arrest the criminal when suddenly he walked in and saw Linda dead and James stabed him with the spear.  As Alfred died James said "A dead man tells now tales.  HA, HA, HA, HA.  I sunk the ship I murdered everyone and I had a secret boat hidden in a cave.  We were never stranded You could have gone back to America whenever you wanted."  Eventually when James got back to America he was taken to jail and sentenced to death for murders he comited before leaving the USA.  The End


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