Friday, April 22, 2011

Daddio: 4/22/11 Blog of the Day

Okay, this will be the absolute last of the EGGDROP CHALLENGE posts.  Easter is going to be a big day for your egg, right?  Either you'll have designed your contraption properly and your egg will survive to have baby eggs of its own someday, or... it's brains will leak out all over the driveway.

So just in case something terrible happens and your egg doesn't make it through the challenge, I want you to write your egg's last will and testament.  A will is a legal document that people write that tell everyone what they want to happen with their stuff when they die.  So for this blog of the day post, you'll need to think about all the stuff your egg owns and who they want to leave it to.

Each blog needs to start with the title, "LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT OF [Your Egg's Name]" and the first line of each post needs to be, "I, [Your Egg's Name], being of sound yolk and shell, hereby declare this to be my last will and testament."  Then list out who your egg wants to give its possessions to.


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