Sunday, April 24, 2011

Daddio: The Kids Got Their TV!

The kids finally saved up over 1,100 dollars after many months of saving.  So we went out and got a giant TV.  We went to Walmart and bought the TV and TV stand, and then used some of the left over money to buy some video games and a new DSi.  It took three trips to Walmart, but we finally got all the components home.

It turns out that the hardest part of getting your new TV set up is the three hours it takes to assemble the television stand (special thanks to Gabe and Marney for the help):
Once that was set up, the TV was pretty easy.  But did I mention that it was huge?  The box almost didn't fit in Nana's van, and it had a huge, creepy picture of Hannah Storm on it:
Then Gabe and I slid it out of the box and set it up:

Finally, we put it on the stand and turned it on.  Of course the first thing the kids wanted to do was play the Wii on it.
We paid a little extra for this TV because it has all the wifi stuff built into it.  It connects automatically to our network and had Netflix, Hulu, Pandora and Amazon-on-Demand built into it.  The little boys were especially happy about this because we moved the Roku box we were using in the living room into their bedroom.  The new TV is simply awesome:


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