Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Daddio: 4/19/11 Blog of the Day

Easter is Sunday!  Easter is Sunday!

And on Easter we're going to have a special, awesome, spectacular.... *drumroll*  EGGDROP CHALLENGE!

So the deal is this.  You're each going to get a raw egg.  We will set up the tall ladder in the driveway.  Then I will take your eggs, one at a time, to the top of the tall ladder, and I will drop your egg to the driveway.  But don't worry about your egg yet!  Because I will be dropping it in a contraption of your own design.  If you design it safely enough, it will protect your egg and it won't crack.  But if you don't... scrambled eggs.

So for today's blog of the day, you need to design and plan the device/contraption that will protect your egg.  Scan a drawing of your plan and post it up.


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