Friday, April 1, 2011

Mommio: 11 People, 9 days, 1 car

Well, tomorrow is the big day when we all pile into Vango and start the two day drive to the Grand Canyon where we will be tent camping for 6 nights. With 11 people, 9 days away from home and all the camping gear there was a lot to pack.  It was a very busy week getting everything together but this morning it was finally time to pack the car.  We weren't sure how it would go but it worked!  Here is all the stuff that was ready to go in the car this morning.  I know, we all thought it was too much too.

And here's the space we have to work with in the back of Vango.
 Here are several of the Toes working hard to force things into any small space we could find.  It was actually pretty fun figuring it out.

We made sure to pack the important stuff first (tents, sleeping bags, clothes) in case we would need to leave some stuff behind.  But amazingly the only thing left were the scooters.  We've decided we can live without them and walk more.  Luckily the umbrella stroller did make it in so tired little Toes will get a ride once in a while.
Here is what Vango looked like when we were finished with "phase one" of car packing this morning.  No, the big trucks are not really necessary...but keeping the little Toes happy at the campsite won out over big kids having wheels.
But no, that is not all!  Phase two of car packing will involve fitting in all this stuff. Most of it is food and the rest is stuff for the road trip that will be surrounding our feet, laps, etc.  Yes--it will all fit.
What's left?  Hmmm. Clothes to wear tomorrow.
And road trip food.  Lots more of it than you see here.

And Nana's backpack (she got ALL of her stuff for the trip in ONE BACKPACK).  And a billion little  things that will get stuck in randomly at the last minute.  I think we are doing great!  We hit the road at 6 am tomorrow and hopefully we'll be able to blog our adventures while we are gone so watch for updates.  To the Grand Canyon!



I'm excited for all HUNDRED (and ten) toes! Hope you guys have a safe trip and have lots of fun. I'll be keeping up with your blog. Debi


Wow. So sorry I couldn't help and had to work all day. Ha!

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