Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Daddio: 4/26/11 Blog of the Day

For today's blog of the day, I want you to be book detectives.  I'm going to give you a description of a very famous, classic book, and then using google, wikipedia or other sources, I want you to try to figure out which book I'm talking about.  Then for your blog post, write the title, the author and what the book is about.  Here's the description for the book:

You may think the author of the book's first name is Ishmael, but it is actually Herman.  The main character in the book has a lot in common with the Old Man and the Sea (a book written by Ernest Hemingway), but it was published almost exactly 100 years before Hemingway's classic book.  This book is a real whale of a tale.

Go research from the description I gave above.  If you're still having problems, then as a last resort, search for one of the character's names-- Queequeg-- and see if that helps.


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