Saturday, October 8, 2011

Mommio: Texas Staycation Day 2- South Padre Island

Day two of our staycation we woke up at the beach- and a beautiful view.
 After a quick hotel breakfast Daddio took the kids on an early morning beach walk/shell hunt while I packed up some lunches for the day.
 Then we all headed back to the beach for a few hours...look at all the happy faces!
 At lunch time we took a break from the sand and headed to the pool area.  They had a really nice spot for us to enjoy lunch and play a game of chess.  As you can see- it's a good thing there weren't many other people there because we sure did make ourselves at home!

 Another quick swim in the pool and some picture posing.

 Then back to the beach for the afternoon where we had our first (and only) mishap of the trip.  Kiki was stung by a jellyfish- although at this point we had not seen a single jellyfish, and she didn't see the one that bit her either.  Here she is AFTER all the tears were over.
 We took a break for dinner in our room and then I headed back out with some of the older kids for some night swimming.  They tried the ocean first but decided they were more comfortable in the pool at night.

 Boy were we all tired when our heads hit the pillow!


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