Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Avery: Blog Of The Day

Ghost of the Murder's Hut
By Avery Jones
One day Andrew was riding his horse in the middle of nowhere.  His  horse stumbled upon a rock and got injured.  His horse had to heal for a day or two.  Andrew decided to stay over night at an abandoned hut.  He went inside as the stormy winds blew and moon came up.  He was frightened as it started to storm.  There was blood all over the walls and floors.  Suddenly Andrew saw a creature outside the window.  It had pointed horns, a hairy face, eyes of the dead and a pointed beard on his chin.  It came to Andrew's mind that it was the devil!  He fell to thee ground in terror and watched the shadow of the creature.  The thing roared a loud noise that sounded like "Biff!".  It then went to Andrew's confused, frightened mind that it was just an old, male goat.  Andrew cheered with glee.  Andrew took the goat inside and watched after him.



BTW! His awesome nickname is Banjo :)

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