Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Marney: Blog Of The Day

A Whole New Day
By Marney
     One day there were two people standing in their house.  Their names were Grammy and Gramps.   They were going on a vacation to Hawaii.  They packed all the things they needed then went in the car.  Then they went on an airplane.  Then they were there at Hawaii.
     Then they went to get a hotel and they went in the La Quinta.  Then they saw that they were supposed to be at a different hotel.  Then they went to the other hotel.  They watched the news and they watched the weather.  They did not say anything about the volcano bursting on the news.
     Then it was the next day. They woke up and heard screaming.  They looked out of the window and there was lava everywhere.  They were too scared to look so they went to eat.  They had a good time eating  but then ran as fast as they could to their room.
     So then they saw someone flying and they tried to fly.  But before they landed the person flying got them.  Then they said "What is your name?"  The superhero said  "My name is Marney."  Then Marney put them back in the hotel.
     Then Grammy and Gramps went home.  They were safe and there was no lava.  So they were happy.  Then they had to go to bed because it was a bad day.  They were so happy.


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