Thursday, October 20, 2011

Daddio: 10/20/11 Blog of the Day

Halloween is awesome, right?  And every year we dress up in costumes and go door to door shouting "Trick of Treat!"  It's a weird tradition.  So how did this start up?  What does Halloween even mean and where did the name come from?  Why is it okay for us to threaten people with "tricks" if they don't give us "treats?"  Do they celebrate Halloween in other countries?

That's right, for today's post, I want you to research Halloween and right a short report on it.  You don't have to answer all (or even any) of the questions that I've posed above, but I want you to do some research and write up about some aspect of Halloween that you find interesting.  It can be about the origins of Halloween, the traditions of Halloween or how other cultures recognize Halloween.  Or it can be about all of those things.  What's important is that you research questions about Halloween that you're interested in and then post about them.

Your report needs to be five paragraphs.


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