Friday, October 14, 2011

Avery: Blog Of The Day

      October 13, 1492
      Dear Diary,
      We got to the "New World" yesterday and it is amazing!  There were Indians and we had to make them leave.  I'm very, very happy we finally got off of the Pinta.  Columbus was being a jerk.  When we got there I was super excited and was happy to see land.  I was getting sea sick at one point on the Pinta.
      We did some hunting for dinner.  We got mostly buffalo and deer.  We also looked at some of the, nice plants there.  Meanwhile we also discovered some interesting insects too!  They were pretty, but some were hideous. We bathed and cleaned up.  We got a little dirty out in the sea.  I know it sound strange because we were in the ocean.  But we don't plan on jumping overboard just to wash off.   There could be dangerous animals down there that could kill me in five seconds.
      We caught up on our sleep and ate a ton.  On the ship we have to be careful with how much food we ate.  But there were trees, bushes and other plants with amazing food.  We had a wonderful feast and everyone felt much better.  It got dark as we ate, that meant that the animals would come out.  We had a fire so we had little creatures crawling towards the light from our fire.  We would kill them and save them for an other expedition.
      When we went to sleep for the night we could hear the heavy wind.  Animals making noises and fish jumping around in the sea.  We slept in a few large tents.  I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't fall back asleep and that's why I'm writing so late. I probably should have mentioned that it's in the middle of the night at the beginning. Oh well, I have to go now. I will miss you diary.


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