Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Daddio: 10/25/11 Blog of the Day

Halloween is coming up.  Last weekend, Mommio and Ava went with Nana and Kalorie to Hall-o-SCREAM at Sea World where people tried to constantly scare them and make them think they were going to be murdered.They did this voluntarily, even though it scared the poop out of them.  All of you have done things you knew were going to be scary (like riding the big rides at Sea World or watching horror movies).

For today's blog of the day, I want you to write an essay about being scared. The first paragraph should be about why you think people like being scared. In the second paragraph, I want you to write about whether you do or don't like being scared yourself, and why.  Then I want you to write two paragraphs talking about the scariest thing you've ever done for fun.


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