Friday, October 14, 2011

Gabe: Blog Of The Day

Dear Diary,
     I am so glad to be off the ship because Columbus was very mean. I came to this new world on the Nina. Vicente, the captain, was rude. I thought we were going to India for gold but we went to the New World.  This new world is very cool. I slept good last night.
     We had to kick the Indians off the New World. Some of them got killed and some we made leave so we could have the land.  This New World is weird, it has tropical  bugs and plants.  I want to stay in the new world.  We started making beds. Each room can hold four people.
     I want to stay here because it is cool.  We got our beds done today and tonight I will sleep.  We are going hunting today for deer. We will use the hide and the meat.  We use wood knives to hunt.
     Next week we will be leaving to more of the New World, hopefully it is nice like this.  We got a buffalo to eat tonight.  We will start packing tomorrow. We will go hunting for the last time here in this part of the New World.  The buffalo was good.


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