Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Mason: Blog Of The Day

     People sometimes like to be scared and some do not.  Sometimes people love to be scared like when they're watching a horror movie.  Some people do not like to be scared, like when they're riding a roller coaster.  I think it seems fun to some people to be scared.
      I like to be scared when I am watching a horror movie, like when I watched Inception.  I like how it scares me because it is not actually real.  But I do not like to ride roller coasters because they are so high up.  I kind of like to be scared and sometimes I do not like to be scared.
     One of the scariest things I did for fun was when I went riding on the Steel Eel.  It was fun but I was too scared when it was over.  It was scary because it goes so high up.  It was very fast and made me feel like I was going to fly out of my seat.   Another time I did something scary for fun was the first time I went on the body slide at Sea World.  Another one was when we went to climb Enchanted Rock.  All the things that I am scared of involve heights.  Heights scare me because I feel like I am going to fall and get myself really hurt.
     There are some other things that scare me that are not about heights.  Like when we went to Joan's Academy for the first time.  That was scary because there were new people there.  Another thing that scared me was leaving our old home in Austin because I left all my old friends.  I think that trying new things can be very scary sometimes but it is worth it because you know you will make new friends.  My fear of heights is much more scary because I feel like I am better with my feet on the ground.                                                       


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