Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Avery: Halloween!

I am doing two very special things for Halloween this year.  Well, three if you include super decorating.  The first thing is happening this Friday.  I am going to go to "Howl-O-Scream" at Seaworld.  I am going to it with Kalli, Nana, and my mom.  Kalli and I are going to dress up as Thing 1 and Thing 2  from the Dr. Sues books.  Howl-O-Scream is a thing they do at Seaworld, and they have lots of activities and things like that.  They have trick or treating, a little haunted place that you go through, and people jump out and scare you.  They also have a dinner place called "Dinning With Jack" It is just dinner at some place in Seaworld.  They also have a haunted house (I think) and all sort of other fun things to do!  The next thing is I'm going to is go trick or treating here, where I live.  The family is gonna dress up as criminals and Max and Jack are going to be cops.  My friend Kalli might be coming.  If she does come, she wants to dress up as FaceBook.  We are not going to be camping out or anything but we still are going to hang out.  I can't wait!


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