Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Avery: Blog Of The Day

One Story to be Told
By Avery Jones
     One day when I was traveling in New York City.  I was walking around looking at all the tall buildings when I heard a scream for help.  I ran towards the voice and it turned out to be my Grandmother that we called Gandmama.  Grandmama was standing under a tree and pointed up.  I looked where her finger pointed and saw Grandpa was stuck in a tree.
     "Grandmama?", I said.
     "What?!  Aren't you going to help him?  He is stuck up in the tree!", She crossed her arms and looked at me.
     "Of course I'm going to help him.  But how the heck did he get up in the tree?", I looked up at him again and waved and he waved back.
     Grandmama told me the whole story.  It all started when they were on their way to Vietnam and they were taking photos of all the wonderful plants that were around them.  Some guy walked up to them and asked why they would take pictures of plants.  The both looked at him and then at each other.  They grabbed guns out of their pockets as fast as they could and pointed at the man.  They thought it was the guys that stole their 3 pet, African elephants.  It turned out he was and so they turned him in to the police.
     They got in their car and drove to a park.  It was colorful and very yellow.  There were about five other families there too.  Grandpa was looking at the flowers and followed them down a trail.  They led him into a big field.  It had only one, giant, tree in the middle.  He followed all the red flowers and they led him to the tree.  Then he followed the blue one, those ones went around the stump of the tree.  Then he followed the green roses!  Those led him into the tree and he was stuck in there for about four hours before anyone found him.
     I looked at Grandmama then at Grandpa.  I flew up into the tree and helped him out.
     "Thank so, so much Ava...
     "Hush!  No one can know my real name.  For now call me Carly the amazing, cool, perfect, interesting.....
      "Okay we get it."
      "Good..... off, off and away!", I flew into space were no one could see me


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