Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Mason; Blog Of The Day

One stormy night a man was riding his horse when suddenly the horse hurt its foot.  They were far away from his home.  So he had to stay at an abandoned house where a murder had happened.  He went inside the hut, it had blood everywhere in it where the murder happened.  There was a thunderstorm  outside and he was scared of the storm and of the house.  At the widow there was a shadow outside the window. It loked like an ape and was vary hairy and had red eyes.  The shadow had horns and a pointed beard.  The man thought it was the devil.  The man sank on the floor in fear.  He was very still until the devil gave a roar, but it sounded like "biff".  The man cheered because it turned out to be a goat.  The goat's master had been killed by the murderer.  All of the female goats ran away because their master was murdered and then they got killed by dingoes.  But only that goat was left.  The man brought the goat inside the house and took care of him.  The goat lives long as "The ghost of the murderer's hut". The End   


The Jones Family

Andrew Barton paterson nickname is Banjo

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