Thursday, October 27, 2011

Mommio: Art Class- Impressionists- Degas

Today we continued our study of Degas by using what we learned last week with the mannequin sketches to work on making some action drawings of people doing sports.  The idea came from the Art Lessons For Kids website.  First I showed the kids some examples of the finished art that other kids did so they could get an idea of what I was looking for.

 The kids each chose a sport they wanted to draw, picked a color for their background, set up the mannequin in a pose that represented their athlete, and lightly sketched the outline of the body on
their paper in pencil.

 Then they erased the pencil lines they didn't need and added in the details for their athlete 
and the background.
 Finally they added the color to their drawing with chalk pastels.

 Here are the bodies in motion that they created.  We had a baseball player, soccer player, gymnast, ballerina, pole vaulter and a football player.

 We have to wait a few weeks to visit the ballet class, so next time in art we will take these athletes and create sculptures of them.  When we do our ballerina study it will be a similiar process: first making many in-class sketches, then choosing the best one to turn into full color chalk drawings, and finally choosing one to 
turn into a sculpture.


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