Thursday, July 7, 2011

Mommio: Mason Cooks- Rocky Road Parfaits

Mason has recently decided that he would like to start cooking on his own more often and had Nana buy him a few new dessert cookbooks.  The first thing he baked were Root Beer Cupcakes for Connor's birthday party and they were wonderful! Then he made us some Rocky Road Parfaits.  
He used this cookbook for both:
He really likes this book because she uses ready made things (like boxed cake mix) and adds to them.  Also, the instructions are all easy enough for Mason to follow completely on his own.  
And here is the recipe he followed:
Here are some shots of Mason cooking-

And here he is with the finished parfaits.  
 Mason says they turned out great, and the rest of us agree! The only change we would make is to not add the homemade chocolate syrup on top (it hardened too much in the fridge) and instead just add some bottled chocolate syrup when ready to eat.
  Next week he makes us Hot Chocolate Floats.


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