Thursday, July 7, 2011

Marney: Blog Of The Day

By Marney
One day at a place like a park there was a mine, he got funny makeup on. People called him Mice and he did not like that. He got real sad when people said that so he thought he could be a clown and go to a circus. So he went to the circus and he became a clown and he liked it.  Nobody called him Mice and no one messed around with him so he was happy. He had a job, got a lot of money and he had a nice place to eat and sleep at.  It was the circus and he loves cotton candy.  Then he got fired because he was eating the food they had there. Then he had no job so he went to his real house. Then he got to his house and he sat down on his bed and he lost his memory.  So he was sad and he was mad and he was happy and he was funny.  He made no sense. He always got away with things like this so he did not know what to do. So he went in to his car and drove away from his house.



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