Thursday, July 7, 2011

Avery: Blog Of The Day

Clown Boy
By Ava 
One day there was a little boy named Carl. Carl was turning 6 in five days, and he was thinking about his birthday party. He thought about having a carnival theme. His mom bought a bouncy house, some cool food like cotton candy and giant pretzels, and she bought him face paint. He was super excited. But then he remembered his friend's birthday party and how there was a clown and awesome entertainment. Sadly he couldn't afford entertainment. So he painted his face like a clown for his birthday and decided that he would be the entertainment for the day. He did an act where he tried juggling. Then he tried to walk on his hands and do a back flip. No one thought he was good. They all booed him off the stage. He ran away and cried in the corner until everyone came and gave him cake and presents.
The End


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