Monday, July 11, 2011

Connor: Blog Of The Day- Suspense Story

The Strange Road Trip
By Connor M. Jones

Everyone in the car would have been fine, if we simply hadn't stopped to pick up the stranger on the side of the road.  We were on a trip to Roanoke, North Carolina.  My brother, Jake, was sitting next to me constantly asking "Are we there yet?", like a little kid usually does.  My parents kept responding "No, but we'll be there soon.", in the typical parental fashion.  My older brother, William, was sitting in the seat behind me being silent and waiting for the car to reach the destination.  William was kissing his girlfriend Katy at the beginning of the trip.  Now everyone was pretty much tired and bored of what they were originally doing when the trip began.  I had just decided to relax and possibly sleep on the way there seeing as I didn't want anything to do with the rest of the family.  Then Mom said "I see someone standing on the side of the road.  Maybe they are going to Roanoke as well."  She drove up and pulled over near the person.  Dad opened the passenger side window and asked "Where are you headed, stranger?"  The man said "Roanoke.", in a rough, scratchy, deep voice.  Dad said "Great we're heading that way as well.  Would you like a ride?"  The stranger said "Yes" and got into the seat on my other side.  I said "Nice to meet you, sir."  He turned to me and said "The name's Hugh.  Hugh Johnson.  What is your name?"  I said "Andrew Davidson.  Pleased to meet you Hugh."  I was kind of uneasy about Hugh.  He was a tall man with a red stain on his shirt.  I reluctantly asked "What is that stain on your shirt from?"  Hugh replied "It's just a little ketchup from lunch."  It sure was red enough, but I didn't trust him.  I looked away from him and tried to focus on keeping Jake from annoying anyone.  Before I knew it we had gotten to the cabin.  The man said "Thanks for the lift.  See you around."  As he walked off into the distance I could have sworn he looked too pale to be human.  His face vanished for a moment when he gazed back at me.  I am sure he was a ghost.  When I went to tell my mom she said "Nonsense.  Hugh is a nice man and isn't dead.  The red stain was ketchup and what you saw was imaginary."  No one understood when I tried to tell them, they all thought I was insane.  I couldn't stand it anymore and walked into the cabin.  The others joined me for a while and we listened to the sounds of the forest.  I heard an owl, a few bears, and someone saying "Leave this place!" in a ghostly voice that sounded similar to Hugh's voice.  The voice then said "You are all doomed."  I was afraid to leave the cabin with the dangerous animals outside.  I was also afraid to stay in the cabin due to the ghostly warnings.  I started to agree that I was going crazy.  The sounds were creepy, the doors creaked, the stairs creaked, I heard voices, and worst of all was the sound of dangerous animals moving toward the house.  One night while everyone was asleep, I heard screaming coming from downstairs.  Sneaking down the stairs I saw Katy dead, her corpse covered in blood with the head missing.  I was frightened so I ran to get mom and Dad and William.  William started weeping over the corpse.  Mom and Dad were wondering who killed her without anyone waking up.  I could see Hugh's ghostly face in the window and made an excuse to go outside.  Hugh greeted me and said "I warned you guys.  If you obeyed me she would still be alive.  She was killed by the same person who killed me."  I was even more frightened now that I knew that I was talking to a ghost.  I said "Hugh, who killed you?"  Hugh pondered for a few hours before telling me anything and then said "I never caught a glimpse of them.  I was killed in the dark and couldn't see my murderer.  The last thing about my death that I remember is living in this cabin."  I decided to go in and investigate the crime scene.  I found nothing at the scene of the crime, aside from a bloody axe.  The axe had no fingerprints on it at all.  Suddenly I saw something fly right past me.  It looked like a bat and transformed into a man.  "Good day to thee sir.",  said the possible vampire.  I saw my mom walk into the room and so did my blood sucking adversary.  The vampire said "Hello madam.  What seems to be the problem?"  Mom responded "A girl was murdered in this house with an axe.  What do you think the problem is!?"  The vampire pondered and then responded "Yes, and I see the crime scene clearly as if I were there.  I am detective Vlad.  At your serwice."  I couldn't help laughing at his accent.  Mom caught on and said "Andrew don't laugh at people's accents.  It isn't polite."  Detective Vlad wondered for a brief moment why I was laughing then continued "The murderer alvays returns to the crime scene.  I conclude that this boy must be the murderer."  His thick Transylvanian accent sounded like something out of Dracula.  I was blamed for the murder by a vampire, this wasn't my day.  Vlad said "Just to be sure hovewer, I hawe to stay the night here and investigate more."  I didn't want to be anywhere near Vlad at night so I ran and slept in my room.  Later that night I heard a voice say "Don't mowe.  I just vant a little bloodnd a scream of  "Get away from my neck you creep!",  Suddenly I knew I had to run in and save the day.  I ran into my brothers' room and William was dead just like his girlfriend.  I ran to tell mom and dad, but they thought I did it.  I couldn't stand this accursed house.  "What's next?", I thought to myself "A werewolf?"  Suddenly, Vlad burst into my room and tried to suck Jake's blood.  Jake kept squirming and hitting Vlad on the head.  Vlad transformed and started to pick up the axe he dropped on the floor with his bat feet.  Then, as a bat, Vlad chopped off Jake's head and fed on the blood.  I was afraid and couldn't move.  Suddenly Vlad left and Hugh appeared.  Hugh said "I give you one last chance leave this place or you will die."  I thought for a moment and then said "Sorry, but I have to defeat Vlad.  If I don't we will all be dead."  The moment I said that I heard dad scream "NO how dare you.  You evil jerk."  Then everything fell silent Vlad had killed my family.  Vlad entered my room and I grabbed a stake from under my bed.  Vlad said "I just vant to be your friend.  That and some blood.  That's all I vant."  I moved my hand up toward the point where it was perfectly leveled with his chest.  I shouted "Never Again will you drink blood!" and thrust the stake into his heart.  When I woke up I was in jail.  My trial is next weekend and I am accused of the murder of my family.  I didn't kill them so why am I on trial?  It turns out I really am insane, I murdered them all and I covered it up with monsters and ghosts.  The End


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