Monday, July 11, 2011

Connor: Blog Of The Day- Clown Picture

The Clown
By Connor M. Jones

I was a circus clown in a rather big circus.  My act was the classic clown act, a pie in the face, slipping on banana peels and what not.  It was five years after I had joined the circus that I was fired.  The ring master told me that my act just wasn't funny anymore.  On my way out I met my replacement, who really seemed to dislike kids.  It was pitiful that the guy even became a clown.  I went to the dressing room and removed the big red shoes and goofy nose.  I went home and changed into regular clothes, completely forgetting to remove the paint from my face.  I walked outside and told my neighbor, who just happened to be my best friend, that I'd lost my job.  He felt sorry for me and even mentioned that I still had the face paint on.  I decided to go back in my house and remove the paint, crying as I did so.  The more I cried the more the paint smeared a bit.  This was why a clown wasn't supposed to cry or show his face to the crowd after it was squirted with water.  I finally removed the last of the face paint when I received a call from the ringmaster.  He said that my replacement had run off and that he was considering giving me my job back.  I told him that I would like having my job back and I'd be right over.  Now I continue my job of making people laugh.  The End


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