Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Connor: Blog Of The Day


Egypt has always been a fascinating country.  The first kingdom was started in the year 3150 B.CE.  by Menes.  Before that Egypt was home to a tribe of hunter gatherers and fishermen.  Before that they used to have grown grain.  Then when the Sahara Desert formed they had to change their culture to live off the environment.  After the first unified kingdom was formed the next few centuries were either a small intermediate period or a major dynasty for Egypt.  The dynasties are listed in groups such as the Old Kingdom,  Middle Kingdom, and New Kingdom.  Following those groups is the phase in which Alexander the Great took over Egypt and built Alexandria.  The dynasty was called the Ptolemaic dynasty.  Ptolemy was the name of Alexander's general who became the pharaoh.  The dynasty ended with the death of Cleopatra and Mark Antony.  On the contrary at the exact same time it also ended with Caesarion, Cleopatra's son with Julius Caesar.  Caesarion was killed by his half brother Augustus Caesar's army.  In modern Egypt Hosni Mubarak stopped being the president earlier this year.  Egypt has a population of about eighty million people.  Today Egypt deals mainly with oil, natural gases, chemicals, steel, and agriculture as its major industries.  As one would think Egypt's tourism is doing well.  With countless ancient landmarks that attract tons of people Egypt's tourism is fine.  One of these landmarks is the Sphinx of Egypt.  Another important and interesting monument is the Great Pyramid.  Yet another that isn't standing anymore is the great library of Alexandria.  In short Egypt has been and hopefully always will be a very interesting country.


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