Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Mommio: Mason Cooks- Hot Chocolate Floats

This week, in honor of Connor's successful surgery, Mason tried out making a new dessert from
his favorite cookbook.
 He picked Hot Chocolate Floats, and here's the recipe.
 We couldn't find any coconut sorbet so we looked at the other flavors and decided to try out orange instead.  The only other thing we changed was that he didn't add chopped chocolate on top at the end, just the cookie crumbs.  Here he is cooking.

 This one was simple to cook- you basically make hot chocolate from scratch and then put ice cream in it.  But the timing was important so Mason felt the pressure as he got them ready to serve them.

 And here is a look at the finished float.
  Unfortunately, orange turned out to be a bad choice because none of the kids liked these- even Mason.  Although Nana LOVED it!  Mason suggests that if you decide to make these just use packages of hot chocolate and add in your favorite flavor of ice cream (maybe mint chocolate chip?).  More adventures in Mason Cooks next week.


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