Saturday, July 16, 2011

Avery: Blog Of The Day

1- Weezer Could crash through the window and start playing one of Connors favorite songs.
2- His Mccune Albright Syndrom will just dissapear, and he'll be all better.
3- Santa came in for a visit and gave him all the Pokemon ds games that were ever invinted.
4- He would be served a pitcher full of rootbeer.
5- A money tree grew right in front of his eyes and it had a note on it that said all the money that grows is for him.
6- A 7 foot pixi stick is delivered to his hospital door.
7- Aliens from Pluto came down to him and gave him an alien version of the PSP and teach him how to use it.
8- The same aliens come down again and give him 500 games that he could play on it.
9- Mason could come and hang out with him and teach  him 4 different ways to say bathroom.
10- All of his favorite bands came together and let him tour with them all around the us.


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